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May. 4th, 2017


[ Warden Commander Ortan ]
I have been receiving [...] highly troublesome reports from Hunter Fell and I was hoping you might be able to enlighten me on the situation. I am aware that the Grey Wardens have since left the region, but maybe you can provide me [...] a more objective perspective on what, precisely, the armies from the Tevinter Imperium and Orlesian Empire are doing.

[ Pilar ]
The Tevene army still occupies Hunter Fell and the Orlesians have changed course from the Empire to our capital city. I fear that the negotiations are yielding the results we have been fighting to avoid during the negotiations. I wish I could ask you to reassure me that I am being paranoid, but I refuse to lose our country to "wait and see."

May. 2nd, 2017


[ Friends ]

Well, it seems I am departing Cumberland by the end of the week. My estate requires my urgent atention. For those of you I may not see before I depart, it has been a genuine pleasure.

[ Cassidy ]

You may wish to congratulate me on not being dead.

[ Souvelani ]

[...................] If you have not yet departed and see this, I wish you well. You know how to contact me.

Apr. 26th, 2017


[Public Announcement]

It brings me [...] much joy to announce to you all that our troops at the front have reclaimed Hunter Fell and the archdemon has been slain by the Grey Warden hero Caspian Pentaghast on 23 Cloudreach, 3:25 Towers.

The Blight is over.

We will not forget the sacrifices our troops and those of our allies, and most importantly, the Grey Wardens have suffered through this terrible time. As the darkspawn incursion during 22-23 Cloudreach was part of the broader battle, we will also honor our fallen at the Chantry services this Sunday. There will be a separate service to honor the late King Markus III tomorrow morning at ten bells. Both of these services will, as always, be open to the public.

However, since the end of the Blight merits celebration, we will hold a festival on 1 Bloomingtide in conjunction with the Merchant's Guild throughout the city. As always, we will have our traditional Chantry services for our young people reaching adulthood that morning. We encourage all to join together to commemorate the end of this long darkness and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Apr. 24th, 2017


[Public] - posted early morning

It is with great sorrow that I inform the people of Cumberland and Nevarra that King Markus Pentaghast the III lost his life in the darkspawn attack on 22 Cloudreach. He will be greatly missed and forever remembered as the man who did everything in his power to protect Nevarra from the Blight, down to his final moments.

In the wake of the attacks in the city, the Chantry can help those whose homes were destroyed with food, shelter, and other necessities. I am working closely with the Merchants' Guild to mobilize crews to begin clean-up and reconstruction in the city as soon as possible.

Although these circumstances leave me with a heavy heart, I will do my best to serve you as my uncle did, and my grandfather before him.

Apr. 22nd, 2017


posted late evening in tired, loopy writing.

TEAM TAGARIS, now including sorin & souvelani.
Sound off now if you can see this

Val, Souvelani and I are holed up in an inn. Val's leg is fucked and we're not moving her until tomorrow morning, and we're not stupid enough to leave before then anyway. Has anyone gone back to ca to Zathris? If the CITY looks like this then what the fuck does it look like outside the gates?

Apr. 18th, 2017


posted pre-aliya tavern fight.

why are shopkeeps getting ready for Summerday already? it's still two weeks out. the flowers will be dead by Bloomingtide.

good news: repairs still under way and looking good
weird news: you won't believe it, but Pickle found his way to the fucking inn.

holding up alright? with the Wardens being gone.

[.....] ALIA.
so raziya says you're a berserker. for how long?

Apr. 17th, 2017


Team Tagaris [backdated to 4/15]


I sure hope I finally hit port in the right city. What a nightmare that voyage was. There are some coastlines I can definitely stand to never have to look at ever again if I can help it. The worst ones were of course the ones that have been consumed by the Blight, naturally, but the ones that look like they haven’t seen a darkspawn in hundreds of years were utterly drab. Win some, lose some, I guess. I’m finally here, though!

Or, at least, I hope I’m here. These orbs are fascinating, but I wouldn’t be surprised if none of you had one of these and I’m just talking to nothingness. It’s magic, right? Funny that a dwarf can still use it, but there have been stranger things. The stories I could tell you about the past year! Hopefully you got my letters, but there’s still more to tell that I couldn’t share in those.

I’m going to wander the city a bit before I look for you guys, so even if you’re not reading this, I’ll be talking with all of you again soon enough!

Much love!
Dagrun K.

Apr. 12th, 2017



Good news, we snagged the reward, but better news incoming

Don't wait up too long for us if we're a while. We should be home before dark


Might I inquire about a few brave volunteers? It seems that with the Wardens and a great deal of the city's forces en route to the front, some unsavory people have begun to ambush weary travelers and refugees. The Chantry will provide compensation for anyone who will deal with these bandits.

Apr. 4th, 2017



You better be coming back, Asmund.

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